Language Arts

The Lower School language arts program seeks to develop lifelong learners who view reading, writing, speaking, and listening not only as essential tools but as sources of discovery, inspiration, and satisfaction. Talk and shared stories establish our foundation, and books of every variety create the framework for our program at all levels. Our goal is to help young students become joyful, thoughtful, imaginative, and critical readers, writers, speakers, and listeners.

The close connection between reading and writing is celebrated in language-rich classrooms where students read for pleasure and information, write to express themselves, convey ideas, and learn to communicate with a variety of audiences. The curriculum is designed to nurture a range of reading styles, needs, and interests and to develop readers who make connections and respond thoughtfully to multiple viewpoints, genres, and authors. At all levels our students tell and write stories. Students focus on both the skills and process of writing and learn to draft, revise, edit, and proofread as aspects of their craft. Story and perspective-taking are integral parts of the life and learning of Lower School students.